Atomic Commits Using Partial Commits

Hey 👋,

I have been using Git for a long time, but never really focused on doing smaller commits until three years ago. When I joined Automattic.

I think there is a healthy obsession on doing granular commits with meaningful descriptions.

Since then, I have become much more conscious about doing just the change I have in mind, and working step by step. With a clear vision on why I am going every change I am doing.

Despite that, I still sometimes get carried away (the flow people say) and I end up with a big set of changes. Oopsy.

It’s in these times that partial commits makes a lot of sense.

Partial Commits with GIT

ℹī¸ I use GIT mostly from CLI. If you are using some UI this might not be as useful, but probably the steps are similar. Look for “partial commits” in your tool of choice.

Usually I do some changes and the git add . and git commit. But if I don’t want to commit all the changes in a single commit then this is what I do.

First, if I am lucky there is enough separation of concerns betweeen the files so I can choose what files to commit by separate.

In these situations instead of git add . (which adds everything) I do git add <file1> <file2> <file3>. Then git commit.

Most times this is not enough, because I have in fact made multiple different changes to the same file.

Maybe I added a function, refactor another method, included a new dependency… Multiple different smaller things.

This is when git add -p . (or git add -p <file1>) comes handy.

It will interactively ask you if a chunk of changes needs to be added or not. You can choose between different options by pressing the corresponding letter.

You can get a sense of what each option makes by using the ? response. But I will mention the ones I use the most:

Easy right? Next you should try it yourself and get used to it.

Extra notes

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Also feel free to reach out to me. I though on doing some short video with an example but didn’t find the time.